Philipp Archan will deliver a fun and crunchy talk on how Dopamine affects you and your life, why most of us have a Dopamine system that is completely out of whack, and shares simple but useful tips and hacks on how to get your Dopamine system – and life – back on track. Hint: It’s not your fault, but it is your responsibility!
Are you often feeling like you cannot fully live up to your potential? You know you have so much more to give but it just doesn’t seem like it’s actually happening in your life? Frustrated with the results that you are getting in your life, although you do know better?
Contrary to common belief, it might be that you are not facing an identity crisis or that you “just have to find your purpose first.” There is a good chance that all that’s actually off in your life is the balance of your Dopamine system.
Heard of dopamine before, no? It’s one of the “happy chemicals” in our brain. What things like Social Media, Netflix, Online Shopping, Pornography, Sugar and Coffee have in common is that they all affect your natural dopamine system in a major way. Dopamine can be called the “molecule of progress” and plays a big role when it comes to external motivation, drive and behaviour in general.
If you would like to Have a sand which from the wonderful Monja please also comment that you would like to get one when you are booking. They need to be booked 4 days prior to the event. They are all vegan made with sourdough bread and mega ingredients!